Sunday, June 22, 2008

What Lies Beneath

Working at a music store, especially a large chain, definitely brings about it's own sense of elitism. But it also shows me how much I really don't know about some genres of music. Rarely can I recommend a solid rap album other than Lupe Fiasco or anything by Public Enemy. Hopefully now, with the dawn of torrents, I'll be able to branch out a little bit and realize what else is out there.

Also, the employee discount is extremely detrimental to my bank account. DVDs I've been waiting for almost always turn up in a pile of used when I have double-digit numbers dotting my checking report.

But I HAD to buy Justice League Season 1! Who knows when it would ever return!

Thankfully, the employee discount is good...

There's nothing better than a night alone, a JLA season, and some Cookie Dough Bites.

Lonely? Sure. Entertaining and delicious? HELL YES.

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